Category: Uncategorized

  • Brief guide to types of employees

    So you decided to hire an employee? Made sure you know what’s the difference between a contractor and an employee? That’s awesome. But then not all employees are the same. Unfortunately, you will have to get through a but more jargon first. Full time According to the IRS, a full time employee is somebody who… Read more

  • What you need when you start a new business?

    When you are starting a new business, it may be overwhelming. You may know exactly what products or services you will be offering and you are most likely an expert on that. But what about formalities? Here are some things you should consider. I will be going over various parts in more detail in future… Read more

  • Balancing a checkbook

    Internet is full of older people lamenting that younger generations don’t know how to balance a checkbook. Arguably, with wide-spread access to online banking, this doesn’t seem quite as useful anymore – you can just log into your account and check balances. However, if you write checks, this may be insufficient, as you may not… Read more